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Social media security and privacy checklist

· 3 min read

I've been putting together a chapter on privacy for the book (or maybe it will be first "test drive" instead, a practical guide on privacy) and very concerned about content and format of delivering that content to a reader. It covers only facebook's privacy setting so far and even relatively small topic is not easy to organize. Organize based on reader's needs or as in business or software development industries - Jobs to Be Done for readers.

Putting together pages in Figma first. Even a simple task of activating two-factor authentication requires many steps with instructions.

Great products start with real problems. People buy products and services to get a “job” done. The key to success is understanding the real job customers are using your product for.

* Intercom on Jobs‑to‑be‑Done

In the software world product developers focus too much on building customer profiles and looking for correlation in data. Or even just building a product based on the developer's needs and (imaginary) problems to solve. To create products that people truly want to buy, companies instead need to produce the job customer is trying to get done. When we buy a product, we essentially "hire" it to help us to do a job. When we want to watch a movie - we open Netflix and it solves our "job" of finding an interesting movie, streaming it on our tv. When we want to order food ("job") - we use Foodpanda which solves our job. If it does the job well, we will hire it again. If it doesn't help to solve our job, we "fire" it and look for something else to solve the problem.

The key to success innovation is identifying jobs that are poorly performed in customer's lives and then designing products, experiences, and processes around those jobs.

Similar problem with developers of books on security. So much information gets into each book, terms and scary stories assuming that the reader will come to a conclusion and fix everything on their own. My task of writing a book on security is not to deliver all the information about this topic, but creating a practical guide with visual representation of safe navigation online.

We all have many jobs to be done in our lives and internet safety is one of them. Again, "job" is shorthand for what an individual really seeks to accomplish in a given circumstance. And I hope to find out what "job" should the book I am working on solve and deliver it.