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How to make tests cool again?

· One min read

Today was listening People I (Mostly) Admire with Sendhil Mullainathan.

Steve and Sendhil laugh their way through a conversation about the importance of play, the benefits of change, and why we remember so little about the books we’ve read — and how Sendhil’s new app solves this problem.

The app called Pique and how excited I was to find there this description:

Change doesn’t happen by reading. When you use Pique, you’ll get to try out the concepts from the book in your own life.

The idea is instead of just reading a book - doing it. Doing > Reading. Okay, time to implement tests into the book before starting my writing journey. Here are examples with tests so far, if you have any idea what other format might be useful with tests, please let me know.

multiple choice questions. image from pandasecurity.

multiple choice questions with screenshots.

Very important part is to keep updating these questions and randomize it to make sure a reader will not just automatically bypass it.