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2 posts tagged with "format"

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· 3 min read

In 2013 while living in Palo Alto and breathing the air of excellent education facilities around the town, I was shortly involved in work on a web-application security student laboratory with a couple guys from Stanford. This laboratory was a part of teaching class at Stanford and later Carnegie Mellon universities.

Don’t remember if I contributed much to the progress (I remember fixing security problems this web-application contains in itself), but remember my enthusiasm over the idea of making an interactive security lab, writing a lot of ideas down. Here is a part of my letter on this:


The most interesting part is interaction with students and between them, because here you can implement many things which will help to motivate students and increase their interest. We can use PhantomJS and CasperJS to build a bot which will emulate the "real" activity (instead of testing inside his browser without understanding what is this for). In this case we can implement tasks with attack and defense. For example, student will be able to play with XSS and "steal" data from the bot (bot will visit the page every 2 minutes for example and student will see activity in log file, what could be more interesting than "tail -f access_log") and then in next task he will rewrite the script to prevent XSS and system will simulate the attack and check the result of his defense.

Second part is about interactions between students inside the class/system. It will help to gain skills of defense and attack, because who wouldn't want to hack a classmate with a permission? It's probably not easy to implement and sounds crazy, but what do you think if students will be able to connect and attack/defense against each other.

I was obviously delusional back then and very enthusiastic, this enthusiasm still lives inside and hopefully will try to impliment these ideas this time. Here is screenshot of the application:

It was long time ago. pre-2010ish

There were many different exercises, but mostly similar to each other and I spent many evenings trying to structure them into an “easy to implement” model. To make it easier each time to write new exercise without copying a lot of code. Similar question I’m facing with my current project - how to simplify the writing/designing process?

For instance, to write about the topic related to “Phishing” (The term comes from "fishing for information", and generally involves receiving an email designed to trick you into giving up information) and to make it interactive - I will need templates representing “Email Inbox”, “SMS message” or “Email”. I can easily show it as a static screenshot:

But it removes the interactivity. I will use static images to deliver information (gifs work too!), but to interact with users I’m going to rely on PugJS and magic of JavaScripts. PugJS a template engine which allows to make page interactive.

example of interactive interface. each turn/scroll shows new information related to selected part of the "email".

Need to make such windows for inbox, web browsers and a phone screen.

· 3 min read

Knowledge and format should be designed specifically for the audience this project is targeting. Each target group should be analyzed and identified which security risks could affect them. My mom represents one group, my friends daughter, as a primary school pupil another and her grandparents - third.

It is important to consider the experience and knowledge of each group independently. This information should include their Internet usage and online activities, their level of awareness of information security issues and their level of awareness of safety measures. That brings to the question how to organize it? What format is suitable for this? How do we learn the best?

When talking about learning styles need to mention David Kolb and his experiential learning:

Experiential learning

Experiential learning

Ideally, activities and material should be developed in ways that draw on abilities from each stage of the experiential learning cycle and take the students through the whole process in sequence.

As well as "Reflective practice":

Reflective practice

Reflective practice

Paying critical attention to the practical values and theories which inform everyday actions, by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. This leads to developmental insight

This project is asking for something as simple as a book, but with interactive tests and tasks to validate acquired knowledge. Not PDF or Epub, but an interactive web based book. It is possible with HTML to make it look nice, easy to keep it updated, easy to implement tracking of reader's progress, very doable to create feedback and test a reader.

Something as beautiful as Kasper and Kuma. "A joint publication of Marlies Slegers and Kaspersky Lab to take children aged 6 to 9 on a journey to explore the digital world in a safe way.

Kasper and Kuma. Children Book

Static PDF

Nice illustrations, cool stories, but for my purpose - it is missing the aspect of interactivity and communication with a reader.

Informative as many available online video courses on security Security Awareness Training on Udemy:

Security Awareness Training

And interactive as these examples (sadly I find these examples aren't good, but at least its idea very appealing):

Testing format

This example shows the testing process, but its not tracking the result of each participant and just providing the right answer if you click on "answers".


Testing format 2

This is a better example, which allows us to track the progress and shows if answers aren't correct, but feedback itself is very superficial.